Top Bitumen Decanter Machine | Atlas Equipments

If you are looking for a safe, economical and reliable way to melt bitumen, Atlas bitumen decanter is best. It is ideal for material that comes in drums. Road contractors prefer the same. Bitumen sellers also want this to solve availability and logistics issues with bitumen. It can reheat bitumen and it uses oil to heat bitumen indirectly. It does not change the properties of bitumen. Using the hot gases, emitted as a result of the hot oil passing through the heating coils. It will heat up the drums. Asphalt inside the drums will melt and fall below. Circulation of thermic oil into the Bitumen Decanter machine allows the transfer of heat to the bitumen heating chamber. There are pipelines running inside the heating tank. Pipelines run from the sides of the ramp where bitumen barrels will be passing. Pipelines are also through the bottom of the machine. This area stores bitumen that falls from above. Some of the advantages of bitumen drum decanters: Bitumen drum decanters offer many ad...