Types of ready mix concrete

Atlas Equipments is manufacturer of Concrete Mixing Plant. We also Supplier of Ready mix concrete plant and portable concrete mixing plant in Nigeria, Oman and Kenya. Ready mix or truck mix is usually the dry type of plant. All the materials in the recipe are weighed before dispatch into the transit mixer. There is no provision to add water along with the addition of the above mentioned materials. Hence it is also called as dry mix plant. Water is added into the transit mixer at a later stage.

There are three types of ready mix concrete (RMC) plant.

  • Transit mixed concrete
  • Shrink mixed concrete
  • Central mixed concrete

Transit mixed concrete

It is also called dry batched concrete because all the basic ingredients, including water, are charged directly into the truck mixer. The mixer drum is rapidly modified at the charging speed during loading of the material and then it rotates at normal agitating speed.

Shrink mixed concrete

Concrete is partially mixed in the plant mixer and then the equilibrium mixing is performed on the truck mounted drum mixer during transit time. The amount of mixture in the transit mixer depends on the amount of mixture carried out in the central mixing plant. Tests should be conducted to establish the need for mixing of drum mixers.

Central-mixed concrete

A central batching plant where concrete is mixed well before loading into a truck mixer. Sometimes Concrete plant is known as wet-batch or pre-mix plants. When transporting concrete, the truck mixer only acts as agitator. Occasionally, non-agitating units or dump trucks may also be used when practicality is required or leads are low.

Advantage Ready Mix Concrete:

  • Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) allows rapid construction through on-site programmed delivery, resulting in mechanized operations with economy.
  • RMC reduces labor costs and site maintenance costs.
  • The RMC mix comes with consistency in quality through precise and computerized control of sand aggregates and water as per the design.
  • The production of RMC helps reduce cement wastage due to bulk handling.
  • The production of RMC is relatively pollution free.
  • Savings in all aspects reduced project time.
  • Proper control and economy in the use of raw materials resulting in saving of natural resources.


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